INSANELY Good Cover of 'How High The Moon' by Tommy Emmanuel

Guitarist joined by Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniolo   17-Sep-12

Prepare to feast your ears and eyes on one of the best videos that will ever be uploaded to Youtube. We make no excuses for being massive Tommy Emmanuel fans here at Amped, and we've made it clear in the past that we are massive Les Paul fans, but when you combine the two you are simply left with expletives followed by question marks:

"WTF?", "how the **** is he doing that?", "should I just give up the f****** guitar right now? I'll never be that good."

Les Paul would be proud of this cover of 'How High the Moon' by Tommy Emmanuel, Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniolo, it's simply a pleasure to watch. Not only does it have the swingy Django feel, but it's tight as hell, and you can see them all grinning from ear to ear when they play.

Great job guys, thanks for making the rest of us feel useless!

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