WNAMM12: The Keith McMillen Instruments QuNeo

US Next-gen multi touch controller      19/01/12

No flash plug

    MP4 8:38 mins

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The QuNeo is a multi-touch pad controller the size of an iPad. We've heard loads about it through YouTube teasers and previews, but we've not seen it in the flesh... up until now.

The QuNeo is composed of 16 trigger pads, 2 rotary sensors, 9 multi-touch sliders, and a host of switches. It works with USB, MIDI, or OSC, but the coolest part is that you have access to the development kit and API to hack the QuNeo and create your own response code to the sensors. That's flexibility on another level.

Who better than our own Nick Batt to ask the questions the need to be answered on the show floor at NAMM? Check out the video above.

Rich Beech



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