Abstract Data Intros Hex Series

US A New Line Of Analog Synths And Effects      26/10/09

Abstract Data Intros Hex Series

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UK-based producer Justin Owen has introduced the Abstract Data Hex Series of analog synthesizers and effects.

Here's what he has to say about them:

These original designs will provide a perfect analog companion to your current studio or live rig and will serve as the basis for your new analog studio.

This series of instruments has been designed to pack a powerful, flexible range of sounds into a compact unit that is perfect for musicians, producers, programmers, sound designers and live performers - from all musical genres.

Each unit is built, assembled and tested by hand - ensuring a unique, high quality analog instrument.

The devices include:

  • Synthex - an analog synth and sound effects generator;
  • Morphex - a hybrid analog synth and effect unit; and
  • Graphex - a dynamic gating and rhythm effect.

Details are available at the Abstract Data site.

Pricing and Availability

The line is available now, with each device retailing for (GBP) £85.00.


James Lewin
Twitter @podcasting_news

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