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  ST-224 Sampletrak At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1999  Specifications
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Matt Sauer writes:
This is a cool little sampler, and I'm surprised at the lack of interest in it. It works very well as a drum machine, with pretty high-resolution quantizing, swing, etc. It also sounds very good, using (as far as I can tell) no compression of samples. Perhaps the phrase sampler era is over, but the Zoom has a usable sequencer (for internal sounds only, given the lack of a MIDI out), and thus is a very flexible machine. The effects are more of a bonus than anything, but there are nice touches like the tempo-syncable delay. The auto sync function matches the tempo of two loops, and most effects can be applied to an external source, patched through the sampling inputs.

The SmartMedia cards may be an expensive form of backup, but they allow the loading of WAV and AIFF files (up to 4MB, I'm guessing) from a PC. In this way, you can import computer-edited samples into the Zoom. (If anyone has a card reader and has tried this, I'd be interested in hearing about how it works out.)

While it may not offer the flexibility of a "real" sampler (like my Mirage!), the Zoom is easily the best phrase sampler out there, and handles the role of sampling drum machine nicely.

Comments About the Sounds:

(Thanks to Matt Sauer for this info.)
and Mashdup. Need to me dance producers near Cambridge for the pic

Links for the Zoom ST-224 Sampletrak
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Music made with the ST224 Hip Hop and electronic music
Sampletrak Users Forum!!! A place for sampletrak users to ask questions,and share tips,and tricks.
Sampletrak Users Forum!!! Ask questions,share tips,and tricks
ST224 Controller Utility This program adds velocity sensitivity and lets you sequence effect modulations on your SampleTrack!
Sampletrak St-224 User Group Sampletrak St-224 User Group.
Sampletrak Forums A place to talk beats, production, and share music. Be sure to get down on the Sampletrak ST224 Beatbattle

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