Synth Site |  Vermona |  M.A.R.S.

  M.A.R.S. At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 2002  Specifications
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Envelope Generator writes:
It's very simple analogue subtractive synth. But some functions are unique in nonmodular system. I love the separate glide per VCO. With simple FM (VCO1 -> VCO2) and fixed frequencies, you can create very agressive sound. Another thing is glisando with envelope retriger for each halbtone ... amazing! Both LFOs go to audio freq. so you can create brutal filter cutoff modulations. I use it with M.A.R.S. Control 56 knobs programer and it's very simple, because each parameter has separate knob.

Comments About the Sounds:
With 2VCOs and 4SUBVCOs is sound very very FAT!

(Thanks to Envelope Generator for this info.)
and ? for the pic

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