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  techstar ts306 At a Glance
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gregory zifcak writes:
this is a great lo-fidelity techno/electro drum module. it is easy to sit and fiddle with the sounds while one or two measures loop endlessly. i get hours of enjoyment from this, which prevents me from finishing any compositions. there is no midi and no internal sequencer. the sounds must be triggered by either analog trigger signals or audio input. drum machines with multiple outputs work. the yamaha rx5 has 12 outputs and its sounds are editable to short clean triggers. i am not a keyboard player and find it more inspiring to tap out rhythms on various drum modules and tune the sounds to make them tonally expressive than to sit at a keyboard and try to write melodies. the ts306 (along with the ts305 and simmons modules) is great for that kind of instant expression/experimentation.

Comments About the Sounds:
the sounds are simple analog noises with lots of control knobs. they can sound like synthesized drums or tones or noise sounds.

(Thanks to gregory zifcak for this info.)

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