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  SH-32 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 2001  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.1/5 |  Read reviews (94)
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knobtwister writes:
its not as easy to get intimate with as the korg electribes but once you get it in, mmm feels good. its a different way of getting a groove going to what im used to, but mixing chords and arpegs certainly produces some interesting results, had me giggling and jumping around. totally ruined my headphones, which has gotta be a good sign. comes in a steel box, looks like it will last for years. no audio input is a bummer, its not that hard to do is it?

Comments About the Sounds:
plug in a keyboard controller to unleash the beast within, i thought my alesis qs7 was nice, the sh-32 is qualitymakes the tb303 sound like a chicken poohing

(Thanks to knobtwister for this info.)
and thanks to Groove909 for the pic

Links for the roland SH-32
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
MP3 demos of SH-32 Hear user sounds in action
SH 32 page on free resources for synthesizers. English et Francais

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