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  PRomars(MRS-2) At a Glance
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Henrik Blomquist writes:
This is a monophonic version of the jupiter-4.It has a modulation wheel witch can be switched to VCO,VCF or VCA using three settings for each: LFO,Off or Bend. It has a portamento switch with varable portam. It's also possible to transpose keyboard one octave down. On the front there are ten presets: "Bass","String","Funky Clavi", "Piano","Voice","Trombone","Sax",Trumpet" & "Synth I & II". There are also ten "Compu memory" Banks for storing your own favorite settings!(Not very reliable). The VCO-2 can be tuned in three modes: A or B-tune or off. Each of the "tunes" can be one semi-tone up or down. On the top of the "synth" there is (from left to right): Delay/Bend Section,LFO,DUAL VCO,NOISE,VCF and VCA. (The picture of this piece at synth-fool is in Black/White and dont reveal much of the real look of it(It's my new babe!)) If you guy(s)(Girls) like I will photograph it and send the pictures to you. I've only had the piece for 1 week(My friend lent it to me!!!) so I'm not a master at it yet. But as soon as I become one I will gladly return with more info on the sounds of it. So far I've experimented with a boss ROD-10(Distortion x5)-rack on it and it gives some pretty nasty sounds!

Comments About the Sounds:

(Thanks to Henrik Blomquist for this info.)
and J.J.M.M.Peters for the pic

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