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  MKS-70 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1986  Specifications
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Adam Aurex writes:
The MKS-70 is the rackmount version of the JX10, and therefore similar to two JX8p`s in one package with improved features.. the MKS also has improved midi over the JX10 especially in the Sysex dep`t.. sound to me is very Juno but with bags more extras (and an extra Osc per voice), Shame there`s no PWM! a let down on all the JX range. The front panel editing is easy compared to nightmares like the D10 but all is made easier with the PG800 programmer,, a flat MC202 sized pad covered in sliders for editing the sounds in real time (and over Midi too), The Super JX is excellent for dance music, it even does a half passible 303! and being Bitimbral does this alongside a 106esque Pad at the same time.. at the other end of the scale it can layer both halves to create a 4-Oscillator 2-filter 6-note poly supersynth and even (in one of the mono modes) create a stacked 24-oscillator unison!,Ok- not the same as a Matrix 12 doing the same but what the hell.. DCOs do lose power over ! the VCO based MKS80 /Jupiter 6/8 but if you`re after a Super Juno have a listen to the MKS70 (or JX10). The PG800 programmer does make all the difference, more than you`d expect and are difficult to source separately

Michael ( writes:
As I inferred above, the MKS-70 Super JX is an incredibly supportive instrument sonically and emotionally. It blends perfect w/ everything from a Marshall amp on 10 to an overtly-sincere soulstress. I didn't hesitate one moment on trading my VKeys Plus for a monotimbral dinosaur with power-supply complex. It positively fills the room with sound. It's a great addition to other synths, and provides tremendous pads for Minimoog solos. The PERFECT Roland bass/string/pad machine! Just the thing for those of you finally bored with the incredibly small sound of PCM sample playback. How can these people not notice ?

Comments About the Sounds:
Preset sounds are mostly crap, but with 50 to wipe over and SYSex dumps to computer, the sky`s the limit

(Thanks to Adam Aurex for this info.)

Links for the Roland MKS-70
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
The Roland MKS Series Site
Deep Synthesis Page SuperJX sound examples and other synths
Free sounds for the MKS 70 and more Programmed by Patrick Fridh
RetroSound - Marko Ettlich info & useful links

Try the Roland links page for more..

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