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  DMX At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: December 1981  Specifications
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James Malcolm writes:
Definately a very cool drum machine from the early 80's The sounds are very 80's pop (Think Prince, Madonna, ect.) And it was also used in early hip hop and electro (NWA ect.) All the sounds are tuneable either by opening it up and adjusting the pots inside, or by using the CV in-puts on the back. There are also triger in-puts for each sound, which makes this pre-midi machine a bit more useful. Although it would be a shame not to use the internal sequencer which is awesome. You can clock the sequencer via a clock in-put on the back. In short, this is a very cool machine, and can add some more interesting sounds to a 909 world! I wouldn't make it my only drum machine though but at $150 its worth it just for one sound!

Comments About the Sounds:

(Thanks to James Malcolm for this info.)

Links for the Oberheim DMX
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
The DMX Files Technical info on configuring DMX voice cards, dow
MIDI to Oberheim DMX sync converter
DMX & DX Sounds & Modifications and Service We can make sound chips for the DMX, DX drum machines from the LinnDrum or LM-1 Library or send us your favorite sounds and we will put them on chips, we also do repairs and modifications for Separate Tuning, increase playback time etc..
MIDI to DMX trigger converter Plug-in-PLay solution for non-MIDI DMX
The DMX Files Info, samples, accessories and repairs for Oberheim DMX and DX drum machines

Try the Oberheim links page for more..

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