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  Micromoog At a Glance
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Jon Vanasco writes:
Don't know much about this... don;t have the specs or manual, and practically nothing on the net about it... one oscillator, but is more than made up for with the ribbon control, and the modulation wheel -- the latter of which can be apllied in at least a dozen different ways (seperate controls for modulation source and routing, and different mixes of the two). The filter is great... and the price is too!!! i was lucky and got mine for 200, but most go for from $300 - $400 oerson to person on the net... and much higher in stores and classifieds... way better than the mg-1... but nowhere near as cool as the mini. for the price though, its definately worth it.

Comments About the Sounds:

(Thanks to Jon Vanasco for this info.)

Links for the Moog Micromoog
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
ei micromoog page
FREE MOOG SAMPLES Minimoog, Micromoog and more, FREE
MicroMoog Service Manual Service manual for MicroMoog, scanned as JPG's. Users Manual soon to come
micromoog schematics & photos Here they are - Micromoog (and Multimoog) schematics scanned in multiple sizes and formats by
ANALOG SEQUENCER for Micromoog ASEQ-1 analog sequencer with MIDI sync
MIDI to CV/gate converter for Moog
MIDI Interfaces for old analog Synths! MIDI Interface for old analog retro Synths like TB-303, TR-606, SH-101 ,.... Watch out!! NEW!!!

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