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  Synsonic Drums At a Glance
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J.S.Rockit!! writes:
This thing rules me!

Comments About the Sounds:
this is a great toy drum machine...with fat ass bass...a tunable tom....a hard, stiff closed hi-hat....the snare is snappy too...all good sounds...if you don't want to use the machine, which is fully programmable and loopable...though it is limited...but you can always sample the sounds...

(Thanks to J.S.Rockit!! for this info.)
and Gary Childs for the pic

Links for the Mattel Synsonic Drums
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Danilo e Domenico Citriniti OFFICIAL WEBSITE! The website (hydra) represents for us all of the ideas and experience which have matured over the years and had brought life to every single song...
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Djembe african drums Djembe african drums. Handmade ethnic percussion. Large size Djembe, Kpanlogo, Bougarabou super sale. Free shipping. Direct producers.

Try the Mattel links page for more..

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