Synth Site |  Kurzweil |  K1200 Pro 1

  K1200 Pro 1 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1989 or early 1990  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.3/5 |  Read reviews (3)
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John Volanski writes:
This 2U module is similar to, but an improvement over, the Kurweil 1000PX module. It has 152 different samples in it. It can be played in 17 alternate tunings from a MIDI datastream. It has a full MIDI implementation (as far as a module goes). It will respond to MIDI note numbers 0-127. It can respond to note on and note off velocity, and key or channel aftertouch. It is a solid expander module with some excellent samples, including the grand piano. I have had the unit for 6 years, and I intend to keep it indefinitely. The only major fault of the unit is that it only has 2 outputs (left/right), which hampers it's usefulness in a multi-instrument/multi-timbral virtual recording environment. I recommend the unit, especially now that the price has come down to a reasonable level on the used market. 2/5/97

Comments About the Sounds:
The K1200 Pro 1 has a good selection of sounds with a couple different entries in each of the following categories: acoustic piano, electric piano, acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, electric bass, electric guitar, drum kits, percussion, synth clavs, percussive synths, lead synths, synth bells, synth brass, synth strings, orchestral strings, pop strings, plucked harp, marimba, vibraphone, choir, woodwinds, brass, organs, synth pads, effects, and a tuning note/click sound. In general, the sounds in the "synth" categories are based upon synth-type waveforms stored in wavetables, while the other sounds are based on 16-bit floating point samples of actual instruments. I don't know what sample rate was used. The samples are playback-only; you cannot record new sounds into the unit, nor is a card slot available for waveform updates.

(Thanks to John Volanski for this info.)

Links for the Kurzweil K1200 Pro 1
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
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K1200 Pro I patches

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