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  WavestationSR At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1992  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.5/5 |  Read reviews (21)
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Dan Phillips writes:
I love the SR. Then again, I was one of its designers, so I'm not exactly objective. I use the Wavestation synths all the time; they're an integral part of my sound. Please look to the other Wavestation synth reviews for a more detached perspective.BTW, all the Wavestation synths use the same basic sound generation hardware; the original keyboard had 2 MB of sample ROM, and all the others (EX, A/D, SR) have 4 MB.

Thomas R Kolb A simply brilliant piece of equipment - the sound it makes is quite unique! You'll find a great deal of clear and snappy - what else did you expect? - PCM samples, but the Wavestation's real fort? are all those ambient celestial pads, those intriguing, shimmering synth backwashes and those silky smooth atmospheric strings. The voice of the SR just goes on for ever and ever and keeps on changing and evolving... You can simply play a few random legato notes, and you'll be bursting with new ideas for new songs. I love this one!

Comments About the Sounds:

(Thanks to Dan Phillips for this info.)
and John Howard for the pic

Links for the Korg WavestationSR
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Voice Crystal ROM & RAM cards for Korg Wavestation Synths.
Virtual Wavestation for PC/MAC Run the Wavestation on your computer! WaveSequencer and even the WS Joystick!
Editor/Librarian form SoundTower Technosis professional programming for the Wavestation (4 banks)!
The Patch King The Best Korg Sounds @ The Best Prices. Thousands of new sounds for dozens of Korg Synths. Check us Out!
Rewritable ROM card for Wavestation
Retro Sound - Marko Ettlich Cool Infos and Links
Korg Wavestation SR @ deep!sonic Find some rare picts behind the panel

Try the Korg links page for more..

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