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  Sigma At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: ~1980  Specifications
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Matthew Porth writes:
Hey, Hey, Hey....

You will have noticed some strangeness about the data entered here. The synth is a kind of parallel system hence up to 18 oscillators per sound. That is to say that all the sounds are routed together to create richer tone (not chained like FM synths). It has some very nice features. The sounds are split in to 2 seperate sections. The first are synth sounds some have an attack control some a decay control. The others are instrument sounds (strings etc) some of these have attack, some decay others have a frequency cutoff control or pulse width control.

The synth sounds and instrument sounds can be heard simultaneously because there is a volume control to mix the two sounds together. The other thing to do is to use the ring modulator (complete with a ring modulator bias) to mix the synth and instrument sounds. Sometimes nice, sometimes noisey. One can get some nice analogue repetive noise by pitch everything down and then detuning the ring modulator slightly.

There is octave pitch up/down switch a delayed vibrato, vibrato on aftertouch (1 level), seperate instrument and synth detuning (almost chords!), a korg joystick for noise (up) pitch shift (left and right) and vibrato (down) a second joystick applies a hpf, lpf filter based on its position. This can be use to generate some excellent squidgy noises.

There are 7 synth sound generators at 32', 16', 8' and 4' pitch changes as well as a noise generator (combined with the lpf,hpf joystick it can yield some nice 'electro' hi-hats. External control is present for a CV sequencers and the like but I have yet to use it.

There is also a portamento function with variable time that really sings on a nice riff with a bit of delay.

All in all it makes quite a lot of noise, nice noise, harsh noise. It's pretty good. Possibly not the most versatile synth ever but that is no real reason not to recommend it, suck it and see....

And finally, unlike many synths this thing works REALLY well with a fuzz-wah ;)

Comments About the Sounds:
Really big sounds, lots of octave gaps on the frequency generators

(Thanks to Matthew Porth for this info.)
and Michele Negroni for the pic

Links for the Korg Sigma
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Korg Sigma at VSE Sigma photo and report
Korg SIgma at Synth Museum Photo and press report
Site of KORG SIGMA user.

Try the Korg links page for more..

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