Synth Site |  Korg |  N264

  N264 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1996  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.7/5 |  Read reviews (11)
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Thomas R Kolb writes:
The N2 is basically an spiced up, enhanced X2. The ugly silver-gray color of the case reminds me of a terrible little Casiotone keyboard I once used to have, but inside lurks one of the most impressing PCM-based synths I have ever tried. No, they don't get much better than this. It's a great workstation for all of us who can't afford the Trinity.

Comments About the Sounds:
X-series users will surely recognize these...

(Thanks to Thomas R Kolb for this info.)
and AMXP8808 for the pic

Links for the Korg N264
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Korg N Series Website patches, songs, articles, info, etc.
Acumen`s Homepage Milan Kolarovic (Acumen) composes music in New Age/Synthpop style with using Korg N364 synthesizer as one of the main resources.
Editor/Librarian form SoundTower
The Patch King The Best Korg Sounds @ The Best Prices. Thousands of new sounds for dozens of Korg Synths. Check us Out!
Korg N Series Site The NEW home of the Korg N Series Site. Patches, MP3s, info, articles, software, etc.
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