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  Minipops-7 At a Glance
Picture needed arrowReleased: Between 1966 and 1974  Specifications
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Dr OxyGene writes:
The Minipops-7 manufactured by Keio or Korg as they are now known, put out this cheap little rhythm unit in the late 60's early 70's basically aimed at home organists. This is your typical cheesy retro-analog rhythm machine (beatbox) with the usual styles of Waltz, Rumba, Rock, Cha-Cha, Beguine, BossaNova, Slow Rock etc. Although non-programmable, well at the age it is now. However what makes this a sought-after classic is the three special sounds it employs which are the Quijada, Guiro and Tambourine sounds, it also includes a Volume slider, Balance slider, a tempo knob and two switches, one for power on/off and one rhythm bank change (tempo is between 20-200bpm) and a row of 10 rhythm selector buttons (20 rhythms) and a springy start/stop button.

Well... what makes this rhythm machine so popular and that it has become a collector's item (even made more popular by Pete Forrest (A-Z of analogue synthesizers fame). So why is it popular and collectable - easy Jean-Michel Jarre and his 1976 Oxygene album - Yes! those unique rhythms he employed on the album. So if you want to recreate the rhythms of Oxygene, then try and find yourself one of these, they are not cheap as they used to be. According to Pete Forrest they are anything between £200 - £500 depending on condition, mine is almost mint condition and a snip at just over £200. The ouputs is only a high and low output and pedal trigger in for starting and stopping it. You can get it modded so that it will sync with your midi gear? Univox also did a version of this called the Univox SR-95. But that won't be cheap either! If you want recreate the classic Jarre Oxygene/Equinoxe rhythms, look for one of these, warning however they are extremely rare and highly collectable,and put a big hole in your bank account, pure analog cheese, but worth it.

Comments About the Sounds:
Just pure classic analog circuitry percussion sounds

(Thanks to Dr OxyGene for this info.)

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