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  HZA Stomper Ultra+ At a Glance
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Robert Enforsen writes:
Just don¥t miss this musicware (Zap calls it like that. Zap gives you Stomper for FREEand you give him some of your music to ONLY listen to. Fantastic!!! If you want that d e e p bassdrum, that tiny little hihat, that weird snaredrum or some throbbling, screaming soundeffect - THIS IS YOUR SOFTWARE. It even runs under Soft Windows for Macintosh! DO I HAVE TO SAY MORE?!?

Comments About the Sounds:
If you like the drumsounds of the TR- 606 / 808 / 909 and so on, you will sell your mother for this drumsynth!!!

(Thanks to Robert Enforsen for this info.)
and for the pic

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