Synth Site |  Doepfer |  A100 modular

  A100 modular At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1995  Specifications
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Tobias Schmitt writes:
The Doepfer A100 sounds really cool, is really flexible. You can make standard subtractive sounds,additive sounds,fm sounds and so on. There are many different modules available ,so it is possible to really adapt it to your needs. Some modules make some noise therefore there are analog Modules to be checked out:The filters,fixed filter bank,phaser,adsr(they are fast). On the hand it is 19inch compatible which means it is small so the hanling gets to your nerves when 40 patch cords are used and you cant reach the poti anymore. Bottomline:It sounds really cool,it is cheap for a modular synth but it is to small

Comments About the Sounds:
You are flexible as hell.It sounds great as a stand alone synth or just a processor for samples,other synth,vocals or whatever.

(Thanks to Tobias Schmitt for this info.)
and doefper website for the pic

Links for the Doepfer A100 modular
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Doepfer a100 users group. share your knowledge and opinions with other a100 users!!
Doepfer Homepage Detailed information about all Doepfer products (incl. A-100 all user's manuals)
Modular-Planet Patch diagrams for the Doepfer A-100 modular synth plus MP3 recordings of their sound
new Parallel Worlds album using the A100 modular. Parallel Worlds have used their huge (230 modules )doepfer A100 modular system for many sounds of this album.
Big Doepfer filter shootout 8 Doepfer filters (and an Arp 4075) compared

Try the Doepfer links page for more..

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