Synth Site |  Crumar |  DS-2

  DS-2 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1978  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.2/5 |  Read reviews (14)
Magnus Gladén writes:
The Crumar DS-2 is a two-Oscillator (one of the first synts with DCO), two LFO monosynth with a simple 44 note polyphonic string section. Itís a DCO synth so itís reliable in tune but it still sounds fat to me. The LFOís are great with sample and hold and staircase waveform on LFO 2. It got excellent LFO control and modulation routings, a bit like the Pro-One and in some cases better then the Pro-One. White and pink noise, good with S/H for those plipping and blopping sounds. External in for processing other sound sources. Two very fast envelopes generators. The poly section is very simple just high and low-pass filters, LFO and volume amount but good for dubbing basses to fatten up the sound. I bought my DS-2 for 120£ (in Sweden) and I have had offers as high as 640£(in Sweden) but I rather sell my mom then my DS-2. So if you find one BUY IT! It looks cool and is very rare, at least in Sweden.

mikael jorgensen ( writes:
I found this gem in the basement of my last apartment, and have since made up patch sheets (there is no memory at all). It is terribly versitile. It features 2 independent LFO's with down-saw, sine, square, up-saw, a slamming S&H, and a saw-step down waves. they can be assigned seperately, or in conjunction to control: the 2 oscillators, the "poly", VCA, VCF, & pulse width. the "poly" oscillator, which is polyphonic across the entire range of keys, is also affected by the LFO's.

Perhaps the greatest element is it's portability. The keyboard itself is half a case, and like the fender rhodes, the lid serves as a carrying case.

Comments About the Sounds:
The DS-2 sounds a bit like a combination of a Mini Moog and a Pro-One. It produces everything from strange noises to big bass sounds. The PWM sounds are great.

(Thanks to Magnus Gladén for this info.)

Links for the Crumar DS-2
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Julians SDIY Page some photos as well as some demo songs created entirely using the DS2... at the moment the page is in german, but maybe i'll find some time to translate it as well... but for the pics and sounds you don't have to speak german... ;)
Crumar manuals and schematics Owners and service manuals for many synthsizers

Try the Crumar links page for more..

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