Synth Site |  crumar |  Multiman

  Multiman At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 80's??!  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.0/5 |  Read reviews (5)
luciano p. writes:
The Multiman is a very particular instrument.An half way between an analog synth and a 'sample in memory' keyboard.It has preset sound including piano, brass,clavi,violin and cello.This sound can be added to the "patch" you sound with individual sliders.For example you can do a patch with "top sliders" cello 1/2 brass and a bit of bass.Altought the keyboard can be splitted but you can't save the patch.It's very very easy to use and to change the sound. This is a preset-based machine so ,in the long period can be annoing but the quality of the sound is good if you want a retro atmosphere to your music.I like it becouse I am a fan of Air and with it you can produce some thing in the Air style(or it is so to my ears!).

Comments About the Sounds:
retro-worm but with a very limitated range

(Thanks to luciano p. for this info.)
and Wolf for the pic

Links for the crumar Multiman
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
testrauschen (ambient music) Used for pads (with phaser and RE-305).

Try the crumar links page for more..

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