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  FZ1 Sampler At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1990(?)  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.5/5 |  Read reviews (18)
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Nick Dimmock writes:
I like it! It`s only 33mhz, but it is 16-bit and has eight outputs, which is pretty impressive for the price. The outputs are only mono, though, but it`s still useful. Graphic editing is easy enough, but cutting and pasting is a bit of a pain. Graphic envelope editing is available too. It makes a good master keyboard if you don`t have one. One criticism would be that you can`t hear what`s being sampled through the sampler, so you have to use the level display to set the, er, level of input. It takes some time to learn how to avoid distortion (assuming you want to avoid it). I`d say if you can pick one up around the £400 mark, then go for it. The newer Akai & E-Mu samplers have better techincal spec. (especially timestretch & eq, and expandability), but for a first sampler or for someone who doesn`t need a top-range 16mb affair, this is good value. Graphic editing is a real boon, truncating and looping becomes very easy indeed. It`s a yes!

Comments About the Sounds:
These are all ratings for the internal waveforms - they`re pretty basic, but the filters and envelopes let you spice them up quite a bit.

(Thanks to Nick Dimmock for this info.)

Links for the Casio FZ1 Sampler
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
New Fresh CASIO FZ Additive Synthese Soundbanks (REALLY AMAZING & FANTASTIC STUFF) Hear some Audio Demos (wave&mp3) for impressions and leave a email if u like it. There are 2 Banks programmed with the additive synthese of the FZ.Each Bank includes 64 Sounds!!!BUY NOW!
Andreas' FZ page Tips and trix, free samples and free software for FZ users
The Casio room at History and technical information about Casio instruments.
Casio FZ-1 at A.Tom.X page Description, pictures, Moog bass sample collection
Casio CZ Userpage (German / English). Pix, Sounds, Manuals CZs, FZs, RZs and VZs. Synth-History, SysEx-files, .fzf files, WAV Samples etc.
The Patch King The Best Sounds @ The Best Prices. Thousands of new sounds for over 100 Synths and Samplers. Check us out!
Hohner HS1 @ deep!sonic Find some rare picts behind the panel

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