Synth Site |  Casio |  CTX1000

  CTX1000 At a Glance
Picture needed arrowReleased: 1994  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.0/5 |  Read reviews (2)
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Mike Carter writes:
You can't beat it for the price, considering all that you get. The sounds are a combination of sampled and digital. Piano is fantastic. Acoustic guitars sound cheezy as do the electric guitars. Drums are great too. Digital effects are good and you get eight of them. Since I'm still working with tape, the on board four-track is nice as I can lay all the rythmn parts on the board and dump it (in stereo) to tracks 1 and 2 and eliminate a lot of bounces. Drum patterns are changable using any of the pre-sets as a base. Sound patches are editable also using the same method. All in all, not bad for under 500 bucks.

Comments About the Sounds:
Piano is excellent. The only reason I bought it. Strings are great too.

(Thanks to Mike Carter for this info.)

Links for the Casio CTX1000
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