Synth Site |  alesis |  Andromeda (A6)

  Andromeda (A6) At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 2000?  Specifications
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fibonaccisomething writes:
there are a lot of virtual analogue synths out there, and i love them. they're great. but there's an edge, a drift, that comes with real analogue that you don't always find consistently with the virtual crowd.

i've been waiting for studio electronics to finally release the omega8, which always sounded like a pretty sweet deal.

but i happened upon news of this andromeda on alesis' site, and i am almost completely sold on it. take a look at it and tell me it doesn't appear to be everything that an analogue loving, knob fiddling, parameter tweaking synth fool isn't always looking for.

add to that the fact that it's 16voice, and REAL ANALOGUE to boot, and i'm done for.

i would rather have 2 oscillators of real analogue to 3 of the virtual variety (yes, i'm talking about you, supernova).

this really seems heaven sent.

i just hope that the price is easy to digest.

Comments About the Sounds:
the samples they have on the site ( sound brutally analogue, which is something i always love.

(Thanks to fibonaccisomething for this info.)
and Alain Courchesne for the pic

Links for the alesis Andromeda (A6)
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Harmony Central Andormeda page! See the real videos, hear the mp3s of this beast in action!! The specs are awesome, and its definitely sounding very very analogue!!
Tons of Andromeda presets mp3s!
100 Andromeda MP3s Made by 3DarkHours
Adromeda Thread @
CoolColJ's Andromeda mp3s!! This is the correct link :)
Electronic Musician review
The syntehtic dream foundation industrial band that makes extensive use of the andromeda
ALLIED VISION Cyber Industrial EBM band extensive user of Andromeda forum info, tests, graffics and patches+swapping

Try the alesis links page for more..

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