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  s1000 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1988  Specifications
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david sanders writes:
she is a industry standard ,,but she is aging,,she is a great sampler if you can find one for under 750$ i got 2 of them and they suit my needs

Yep, no denying it a trusty workhorse - mines getting pretty knackered, one thing to watch out for is that the LCD display fades away till you can't see much on it. My scsi is also acting up as well but I've had it for years.

One of the best things about it is that it's so simple to operate - partly cause it doesn't do very much - that's a bonus in some ways. Acesses an enormous sample library - if you can get hold of the 4.04 OS you can read S900/950/1000/2000/3000 samples.

Comments About the Sounds:
the sounds are great but you cannot mess them up much

(Thanks to david sanders for this info.)
and Hazzy for the pic

Links for the akai s1000
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models R&B, Classical Pipe Organ & Synth S1000 format CDROMS
The Patch King The Best Akai Sounds @ The Best Prices. Thousands of new sounds for all Akai's on Floppy Disk, CD-ROM or Zip Disks. Check us Out!
AKAI S1000 & S1100 forum Want to meet other S1000 / S1100 owners? Look here. For yahoo registered users only.
SYNTEC Wall of Sounds CD-ROMs Wall of Sounds Vol.8 CD - Sound Food for your AKAI Sampler

Try the akai links page for more..

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