SUPERBOOTH 2024: Fraptools - Bagai - 411 Multipurpose Modules

US New modules from Fraptools      18/05/24

At Superbooth 2024, Giovanni from Fraptools introduced us to their latest modules, with a focus on the innovative Bagai. This new module is an expansion of the sample and hold concept, exploring both the CV and audio realms. Featuring advanced clock manipulation tools and the ability to be used as a downsampler or bit crusher, Bagai offers a wide range of modulation possibilities. 

In addition to Bagai, Fraptools also unveiled a quadruple VCA module, 411 offering four linear VCAs for audio and CV. This compact yet powerful module provides a versatile tool for distributing voltages and audio signals across a modular system. With semi-normal inputs and the ability to function as a quadruple multiple, this module fills a gap in the ecosystem, providing essential functionality for complex patching scenarios. 

Bagai Available soon. Price 250 Euros plus VAT

411 Available soon Price: TBC

< More From: FRAPTOOLS


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