WMD is back

US Pioneering effects & modular company to return      08/02/24

WMD is back

WM Devices are purveyors of unique pedals and Eurorack modules. Their "Geiger Counter" bitcrushing/drive pedal is a well-loved classic! Sadly, in 2022, WMD's future wasn't looking great:

Times are tough for everyone. The state of the world has destroyed our sales numbers while operating costs continue to rise. We have many new designs in the pipe that unfortunately cannot be made due to the global parts shortage. Our company is reliant on the development of new innovative products in the hardware realm, and we have watched our lead times for parts get pushed back from months to years, and there is no telling if some will actually come. This makes planning for the future impossible, and new product development unfulfilling.

We wish that we could keep things going, that we could see another path, but the stress alone has been harmful to our mental health, and our lack of incoming cash is only making it worse.

This was upsetting news to many musicians, however, fast forward to 2024 and things are looking much better for WMD:


I've restructured a lot of things in my life and have made more bandwidth for designing new musical tools. I'm excited to be making electronics and music as my artistic outlet again. 

Many new things are in the works, and will appear here. I can't wait to hear the music you make with them. 

We have a separate inventory of modules and pedals available on Reverb as well. I'm working on getting the inventories merged and that should be done around the end of March. So please check Reverb if you're looking for something that is not here.

Thank you for the all love and support over the years. It's kept me going. 

-William Mathewson

As well as "new things", it looks like we'll be getting a new batch of Geiger Counters for 2024, which is great if you missed them the first time around. Welcome back, WMD!

Posted by MagicalSynthAdventure an expert in synthesis technology from last Century and Amiga enthusiast.

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