Aphex Twin Warp Store Bonus Tracks

US Full collection of tracks, off the back of a new release and live shows      26/06/23

Eagle-eyed Aphex Twin fans will have noticed a new release last week entitled 'blackbox life recorder 21f' landed on Soundcloud. As well as a number of high profile live shows over the summer, this collection of Warp Store Bonus Tracks has also surfaced on Youtube. There's a huge breadth of musical styles here, each with the distinctive RDJ sound - prepare for an expansive selection of reworked classics - including some from his alter-ego 'The Tuss'. 

Here's his new track in full:

Here are a couple of recent live shows, featuring a gigantic cube and some impressive projected visuals:


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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