5 Moons: New Multi Track Recorder

US Critter & Guitari's innovative portable device      23/04/23

Critter & Guitari are back with the 5 Moons - a multi track recorded and looper, which is designed for ultimate portability. It is fully loaded with 8GB of storage, and the ability to play back loops or one shots over the five tracks. Looks very neat and well thought out, here are the details: 

5 Moons is a multitrack recorder. On one hand, it's a tool to record your creativity. Build up layers of tracks and enjoy crafting that perfect song or field recording.

On the other hand, it helps you create new sounds! Looping and bounce down functions open up new dimensions for your sound and fun ways for your tracks to interact with each other!

The unassuming wood enclosure draws you in, but hidden inside are high fidelity electronics designed for rich recordings. Its sleek user interface offers crisp control and ample room for sonic experimentation.

Watch the video and read on to learn more about what 5 Moons can do for you!

More info here: https://www.critterandguitari.com/5-moons


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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