Podcast: Sonic TALK 733 - Arturia Minifreak and more

US Exquis, CEntrance Bouncer - viewer questions      20/10/22

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67:22 mins


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 00:00:16 SHOW START
00:10:17 Arturia New Stuff
00:17:10 AD: iZotope OZone 10
00:19:23 Exquis MPE controller
00:26:35 Slate Digital Bought By Audiotonix
00:30:06 CEntrance Bouncer
00:37:41 AD: Baby Audio - Save 15% With ST15 Code
00:38:58 Nick Howes asks Nick Howes via - [youtube] - QQ Does Yoad (and indeed any other studio manager) foresee major issues with the cost of energy and retaining commercial viability?
00:44:26 Spillage Oath Music asks via - [twitter] - @sonicstateQQ Do you have a piece of gear that you never use and will probably never use again but for sentimental reasons can't bear to part with?
00:49:26 Robarth - Melted Cheese Home Studio asks via - [youtube] - qq will more/new gear make you more creative in making music in youre opinion or just happier (for a short or longer time)?
00:55:05 aDeevision via - [youtube] - QQ can you give a shout out to a new emom night in yorkshire at Bingly on the 10th nov
00:56:03 Nick Howes asks via - [youtube] - QQ is it time as DeadMau5 implied that 60 year old MIDI is dead (much as it made me furious given his timing just after Dave passed) with devices like Osmose

Where to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube LiveFacebook Live as well as at Sonicstate.com/live every Weds at 4pm UK time- please do join in.
Preshow available on Twitch.
You can also download the audio version from RSS FEED 

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