Nate Wood's One Man Band

US Incredible live performances on multiple instruments      12/10/22

Mastering an instrument can take years, but not only has Nate Wood mastered multiple instruments, he plays them at with apparent ease at the same time! It's an incredible feat of multitasking with his brain somehow able to operate beyond the supposed limitations of his physical body. Incredible stuff, here's more: 

fOUR is a project by Nate Wood recorded live in 1 pass with no overdubs, click track or pre-recorded backing tracks. "'No!' was the first odd time piece I believe I ever wrote. It's in 15/8, and I explored different ways to feel/play the 15 throughout the piece. It's an odd choice for a first single but also a fitting one, as it encapsulates just about everything that fOUR is about. It's incredibly hard to perform and record, and since it's all performed live in one take with no pre-recorded backing tracks, it's different every time I play it!"' - Nate Wood


Here's his Tiny Desk Concert performance from a few years back:


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About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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