The Roland Alpha Juno 2

US Alex Ball takes a look at that hoover synth      24/02/22

Alex Ball is back with another of his top-draw videos, looking at the history of a synth - always a pleasure to watch, and experience with his inimitable take on tracks using said gear! This time it's the turn of the Alpha Juno 2 which was an upgraded version of the earlier Alpha Juno 1, with various expansions on the original and mostparameters hidden behind those membrane buttons we all.....remember. As you can imagine, Alex coaxes some incredible sounds out of this digital beast! In his own words:

The Alpha Juno-2 from 1985 was one of a pair of instruments that marked the second wave of the Juno series following the classic Juno-6/60 and 106. For a long time they were inexpensive and not particularly sought after, for reasons that we discuss, but they were always great sounding synths with way more flex than their earlier, much-praised siblings. If there's one claim to fame that the Alpha can boast, it's THAT hoover sound (aka "What the?") that has become a standard part of the synthesizer patch repertoire.

See more excellent videos on Alex's youtube channel:


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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