The Making Of Oxygène

US Jean-Michel Jarre's ground breaking 1976 album      09/02/22

Jean-Michel Jarre's six track album, Oxygène was released in 1976 - and remains one of his most well known and revered releases. In this documentary, The Enby Adventures Of Ruby sets the scene for the album's conception and development. It's a tremendously detailed account of how Jean-Michel made the album, which is superbly narrated and presented

It's full of stories of Mellotrons, Korg Mini Pops, and some vital sellotape to create this electronic odyssey. For those who need more information on the album, and it's artwork - there's a detailed article from the Guardian here. Actor, comedian and musician Matt Berry also interviewed Jarre - and recorded a special bonus episode on the sounds of Oxygene here

More videos from Ruby here


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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