DIY Synth Roundup

US A selection of home-made werks in progress      24/10/21

A couple of weeks ago I posted about an Impressive DIY Poly Synth In Progress, and have subsequently stumbled on enough to justify a mini round-up of what intrepid makers are working on. First up, we have the OBX-5 shown above, a polyphonic DIY synth which looks and sounds the part - with more demos on the maker's Youtube channel.

There's this Homebrew Monosynth, which makes up for a slightly bland appearance with a fantastic range of excellent sounds. It's in Eurorack modular format with 3 oscillators, 1 modulating LFO, and a 24dB/oct VCF:


And finally, there's a DIY MiniMoog from Ryan Boggs which is exceptionally well built and really sounds the part. It's the only video on his channel but we're hoping for more details soon:


All very impressive, I think you'll agree! Are there any you're working on which you'd like to share? Please get in touch.


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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