Danger! High Voltage Music Player

US Reinventing the term 'playing live'      16/09/21

Audio experimenter Novus has made a high-voltage music player using an ignition coil, seemingly outputting musical notes with lightening itself! In the video he demos the device and explains how a speaker works, illustrating the magnetic field interacting with a coil. He explains whats happening in more detail in a follow up video:

Jason Hotchkiss of Sixty Four Pixels also made a Tesla Coil Organ using two solid state coils with connected secondaries, floating ground and independent feedback antennae (his words not mine):

It goes without saying that you should not attempt to make this unless you are knowledgeable of and comfortable with high-voltage electrical circuits. 


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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