20 Year Anniversary Release For Spirit Of Gravity

US Experimental music night release compilation raising money for local venues      01/04/21

20 Year Anniversary Release For Spirit Of Gravity

Spirit of Gravity is an experimental synth night in Brighton, England which has now been running for 20 years - through 10 venues and hundreds of live acts. Out today is 'Elliptical Orbits' a compilation of music spanning the history of it's existence - featuring tracks by Scanner, Thomas Ragsdale, Gagarin, Monster Bobby and more. In total, over 3 hours of music has been collected to raise money for local music venues. 

Released to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Spirit of Gravity as a promoter of experimental and electronic music in Brighton, Hove and beyond, this collection offers a beguiling cross-section of the interesting stuff we've been putting on these past two decades. It includes contributions from current and former members of the Spirit of Gravity Collective and from friends and fellow-travellers, among whom are some of the most outstanding artists who have appeared at Spirit of Gravity events over the last two decades.

Each SOG night is compared by Geoff - El Maestro Con Queso (aka DJ Cheesemaster) with three acts playing live and an electro creche for audience members to jam with between acts. Over the years their stage has been graced by the likes of Metronomy, Tim Exile, Sh*tmatt, DJ Scotch Egg and so many more!

Numerous events have been planned for this momentous anniversary, including an audio anthology of people's stories of the night. 

They've recently started streaming online and have an event tonight, Thursday the 1st April  at 8PM GMT. All donations are gratefully received, here's to another 20 years!



About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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