Podcast: Sonic TALK 559 On The Road Again

US Rodecaster, EP-PE, Xmas gifts, JMJ, custom controllers      22/11/18

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68:54 mins


We talk touring, Eric Persing and Predro Eustache improvisations, the Rodcaster Pro, JMJ's new album - Equinoxe Infinity, Xmas gifts and Custom controllers

iZotope RX7WIN iZOTOPE RX7 - Tweet #magicaudiofixer #rx7 to @sonicstate @iZotopeincRX has been on the forefront of innovation in audio repair since it was first released in 2007.  RX 7 adds latest in machine learning technology, giving you the power to rebalance mix elements, strip away reverb, automatically repair issues, and more.

Please check out our new Freeze Machines Racks for Ableton Live - lush, atmospheric frozen reverb textures:Freeze Machines from Sonicstate


Where to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube LiveFacebook Live as well as at Sonicstate.com/live every Weds at 4pm UK time- please do join in. You can also download the audio version from iTunes

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