Podcast: Sonic TALK 522 - NAMM-a-LAMMA-Neutron

US Post show wrap, Korg, Neutron and more      08/02/18

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55:20 mins


First show back from NAMM and also the first one for Gaz, we both got the post NAMM virus but are battling through it. We talk the show releases, experiences and chance meetings. Additionally Divkid flashes the Behringer Neutron he has in his posession and gives us first impressions.

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Please check out our new Freeze Machines Racks for Ableton Live - lush, atmospheric frozen reverb textures:

Freeze Machines from SonicstateWhere to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube LiveFacebook Live as well as at Sonicstate.com/live every Weds at 4pm UK time - please do join in. You can also download the audio version from iTunes

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