Synth Action In Leamington Spa

US Meet the Leamington Spa Home Made Electronic Music Society      07/02/17

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There are synth enthusiasts in all parts of the world who get together on a regular basis, and if you've never been to one and are wondering what goes on at a local synth meet, you may wish to check out this video from Jamie of about the Leamington Spa Home Made Electronic Music Society, the local Synth MeetUp that he goes to each month.

Jamie told us, "We meet up in Leamington Spa and while it's not exactly the hub of Synth activity in the UK, we do have a group of like-minded Synth enthusiasts that get together and jam. Essentially, people who are local come along for a monthly meeting, set up their gear and connect to a Master clock (MIDI and CV) and sometimes it's even musical! All are welcome and there's no judging on ability, skills or equipment as some bring expensive synths, Modulars and others, just an iPad. We have a MeetUp group online where we organise, headed by Peter Theophilus-Bevis."


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