Arturia Drum Brute - Analog Beats - In Depth Look

US 17 analogue voices, Beatstep Pro style sequencing      07/10/16
    MP4 34:11 mins    

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While we all wait for the Matrix Brute, Arturia have been working on the Drum Brute too. Which is announced today - as we say in the video - who knew?

So the Drum Brute is a 17 voice - yes seventeen, analogue drum machine, two kick drums, snare, clap,rim/clave open/closed hat, toms/congas, maracas, tambourine, cymbal/rev/cymbal, zap and metronome.

All the voices are tweakable with parameters for each voice type, though dual channel voices such as Tom/Conga share common values.

As you can hear, the sound had plenty of beef, when we shot this video with Alex from Source Distribution, there was plenty of bottom end, with a sort of woody quality which we liked. Combining the bibble bobble of the analog toms and congas, with the tougher twin kicks - basically 808 and 909 style,

With individual  outputs, you can break out individual voices for additional processing, eq or fx. There's also a Steiner-Parker resonant Low Pass/High Pass filter across the main output for additional tone sculpting. The whole thing is backed by a Beatstep Pro style sequencer, but with two major updates:

Poly rhythm - each drum voice can be sequenced with its own step length - which is something BSPro users have been asking for

Song Mode - re-callable pattern chains - 16 total

The Drum Brute is available imminently - November 17th we're told at 399UKP



Main Features

  • 17 pure analog drum sounds
  • Wide-range controls allow for many new and unique sounds.
  • 2 different flavors of kick drums
  • Our unique analog Reverse Cymbal
  • 64 patterns with up to 64 steps each
  • Separate accent per drum
  • Song mode for chaining patterns
  • Pattern effects
  • Swing that can be global or per instrument
  • Randomness per instrument for generating variations.
  • Pattern Looper for beat repeat functions
  • Steiner Parker output filter with bypass
  • Multiple sync options
  • Internal MIDI Clock, 1PPS, 2PPQ, DIN24, DIN48
  • USB MIDI interface
  • Individual audio outputs
  • Headphone output with both 3.5mm and 1/4" jacks
  • Create polyrhythms
  • Each drum track can be a separate length.


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