VCOADSR: Live Modular Rig

US We chatted with Phil about his modular setup      10/12/15
    MP4 6:2 mins    

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We met Phil 'VCOADSR' once before at the Cymru Beats event back in the summer. So in this video from Bells 'n' Whistles, Crackles 'n' Pops we asked him what had changed from his setup.

The first and most drastic change from the Cymru Beats event was the removal of the 3 WMD PDO's to include the Akemies Castle from ALM Busy Circuits. AkemieĀ is a dual voltage controlled oscillator with an authentic 4 Operator digital FM using 'new-old-stock' Yamaha IC's for audio signal generation. So patched right it can go from beautiful pads to all out mayhem.

Other changes include the swapping of a Make Noise DPO to the Harvestman Hertz Donut and the inclusion of the Malgorithm for processing drum.

Another thing that I noticed from VCOADSR's rig was that the effects processors were MIDI'd to the Cirklon. Allowing for preset changes and modulation of parameters throughout the set.

The most obvious thing when looking at Phils rig is that he is very organised, but I guess you have to be pretty organised to take a modular out on the road and do shows with it.

VCOADSR has released a number of long-form modular pieces performed using this setup and without a computer. You can see them at his website.

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