A Tribute To The Sound Design of Star Wars

US All the iconic sounds in under 2 minutes      17/05/15

A Tribute To The Sound Design of Star Wars

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Almost everyone must know some of the iconic sounds of the Star Wars movies; the breathing of Darth Vader, the whirr of a lightsaber or is it whoosh?... But that is only a fraction of the genius that sound designer Ben Burtt created with the Star Wars films.

In this video film essayist Rishi Kaneria has compiled the film's most memorable sounds into an almost beautiful supercut for his new YouTube Channel, Raging Cinema. The video is cut from the original trilogy and shows an oddly satisfying summary of the legendary trilogy.

Kaneria explains in his video description. "This video is a celebration of those iconic sounds that have been rattling around my head since childhood and that have since become ingrained in our collective pop culture psyche."

(via The Creators Project)

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