Arturia Spills The Beans About New Product

US Audio interface all set to compete in top-tier market segment      24/12/14

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Arturia has updated its website  to reveal more about its next-generation audio interface that it is all set to unveil in 2015.

First announced as part of the company's recent 15th anniversary celebrations, Arturia President Frédéric Brun boldly promised that this next-generation audio interface will bring something new to the market. Focusing on workflow, connectivity, latency, and sound quality, it will ably address several serious problems pertaining to popular audio interfaces that modern-day musicians have been forced to work with for quite some time - something about which President Frédéric Brun and Vice President of Product Development Glen Darcey discuss in the video above.

A spokesman had this to say, "Today Arturia is proud to reveal that this will be a high-end solution, competing in the top-tier market segment. Still better, we will be achieving all this and more with a well-thought-through portable design committed to being the easiest to use, best-sounding, and most well-connected device with the lowest-latency on the market today. There are already many competing audio interfaces out there, but only one will be a genuinely next-generation audio interface. Watch this space..."

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