Podcast: Sonic TALK: 384 - Drones and Cymatics

US Drones at a gig, Cymatics of Nigel Stanford, Behringer Analog, Pono and Lemur      27/11/14

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74:32 mins


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We have a full plate of topics to chew on this week - firstly the exciting news of Uli Behringer's passion for synthesizers has been realized, then drones at the gig of John Cale, Cymatics of Nigel Stanford for his new track, er "Cymatics", Lemur from Liine now available on Android, affordable Mackie Controller from iCon.

Please do come and join us LIVE each week as we stream our live recording at Sonicstate.com/Live
Every Wednesday at 4pm UK time with a video feed and chat room - get involved and subscribe to our Youtube channel while you are at it!

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