NAMM 2014: Ibanez Guitar With Korg Kaoss Pad (Video)

Yep, this is actually happening - an Ibanez Kaoss Pad guitar   28-Jan-14

    MP4 3:47 mins    

Rumours of an Ibanez guitar with a Korg Kaoss Pad spread pretty fast at this year's NAMM show, it was just one of those questions that seemed to crop up again and again:

"Hey, have you seen the Ibanez guitar with a Korg Kaoss Pad built into it?"

We should make it clear now, that this is not yet in production, the Ibanez Kaoss Pad guitar is simply a prototype, and there is, as yet, no official partnership between the two companies.

But Ibanez's Japanese R&D team developed the guitar and brought it over to the NAMM show, with the intention of gauging interest and deciding if they were going to go ahead with the product.

From where we're standing, interest is pretty high, and it seems like we'll be seeing an official model of this in time for next year's NAMM show (sorry about the year-long wait, but don't shoot the messenger).

The Ibanez Kaoss Pad guitar will retail for somewhere between $500-$1000 (potentially with different models at varying price points), so this is going to an affordable way to have a Kaoss Pad in your guitar (and do your best Matt Bellamy impression).

Exciting stuff, certainly lots of buzz about this. Check it out in the video above.

Written by Richard Beech.
Filmed by Rob Hicks, presented by Richard Beech.

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