NAMM 2014: Kemper Profiling Amp Pitch Bend (Video) - Plus Off Piste Gonzo Silliness

What happens when a Brit, a Swede and a German get together? Well, this happens...   24-Jan-14

    MP4 3:56 mins    

When we visited the Kemper booth at the 2014 NAMM show, we expected the usual warm reception from Cristoph Kemper and the rest of the guys.

We'd organised an interview to talk about the new Kemper Profiling Amp updates - including pitch bend and a tap tempo delay which picks up on your strumming rhythm and sets the tempo.

What we didn't expect was for the interview to descend into chaos and for Cristoph Kemper (the genius behind the Kemper KPA) to end up stealing our microphone and to start interviewing us.

As well as British presenter Rich, and German mad scientist Cristoph, we also had Swedish guitarist John Huldt (demonstrator at Kemper) to throw into the mix.




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