NAMM 2014: Earl Slick (David Bowie, John Lennon) Plays The New 65Amps Whiskey (Video)

One of those brilliant NAMM moments - right place, right time   24-Jan-14

    MP4 8:46 mins    

This is just one of those unbelievable NAMM moments - we were filming the new 65Amps Whisky when Earl Slick (guitarist for David Bowie) walked in and started riffing.

The 65Amps Whiskey already sounded gorgeous, and then Earl Slick comes along and makes it sound even better with his trademark million dollar picking style.

We hit 'record' on the camera and just captured this as it was happening, with Earl talking to Dan Boul (owner of 65Amps) about the new amp, while various other bigwigs from the guitar world walked in and out of the booth.

You might be able to hear some of the conversations in the background, this was a bit of a gonzo moment, so the video is rough and ready but we're glad we captured it as it unfolded.

Check out Earl's playing in the video above.

Written by Richard Beech - @RichTheJourno.
Filmed by Rob Hicks.

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