2 Minute Preview: Roland Studio Capture

US 16x10 USB audio interface with auto-sense inputs      27/06/13
    MP4 2:0 mins    

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We briefly had the Roland Studio Capture in the office recently, one of only two in the country. Our review of the Octa Capture which featured the Auto Sense feature - allowing quick auto input gain setting accorss the inputs impressed us when recording a band making setup and recording a breeze.

The USB 2.0 Studio Capture increases the number of inputs to 16, and outputs to 10, with 4 independent stereo cue mixes, plus DSP dynamics on each channel, plus built-in DSP for on board monitoring effects.

In this 2 minute preview, we whizz through the features.

Studio Capture is available in the stores imminently (if not already)

  • - High-performance USB 2.0 audio interface for studio and mobile production
  • - 16 audio inputs and 10 audio outputs, including 12 premium mic preamps (VS PREAMP)
  • - VS STREAMING delivers ultra-stable, low-latency driver performance for Windows and Mac
  • - AUTO-SENS intelligently sets optimal input levels for all preamps
  • - Individual input/output meters and input channel buttons
  • - Four independent, software-controlled monitor mixes
  • - XLR monitor out, direct monitor, and dual headphone outputs with independent front-panel level knobs
  • - Coaxial digital I/O; MIDI I/O with FPT
  • - Expand your I/O by using two STUDIO-CAPTUREs together, both controlled with a single driver
  • - 2U rackmount ears included
Price £799

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