Podcast: Sonic TALK 298 - NAMM Rumours

US Sub Phatty, Korg Synths? Avid tease and Horse.      17/01/13

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63:16 mins

Mark Tinley - likebeing.com
Dave Spiers - GForce Software
Gaz Williams - songwriter, producer, musician

Not much on the agenda this week apart from a bit of good old NAMM speculation and chit chat.
We talk about the Moog Sub Phatty (07:57), Ableton Push will be on display for the time (18:00)Mark brings out his Yamaha EZ-EG MIDI guitar (27:59) and Gaz promises to eat his Monotron (maybe) when we talk of something new from Korg (32:03). Avid are also apparently cooking something up too (39:00),which leads to a discussion of working remotely and also off the grid - with a great working method from Gaz to jam freestyle using Cubase (49:47) . Dave has a hunch that Spectrasonics are up to something too...

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