Steve Vai Covers Highway to Hell With 2Cellos (Video)

Funny new music video from 2Cellos   25-Oct-12

Steve Vai Covers Highway to Hell With 2Cellos (Video)
2Cellos rocking out in Brazil // CC // Bridget Samuels

We first wrote about 2Cellos a while back; the rock duo have gathered a following online for their amusing music videos, in which they cover rock and metal songs on their cellos.

Well they’ve been at it again, with a new album on the way, and they have released a cover of ‘Highway to Hell’ as the first single off that album, which is to be titled IN2ITION.

The video for the song follows in the pattern of the previous videos released by the band, the pair rock out (if you’ve never seen somebody rock out on a cello then it’s a sight to behold), and Steve Vai joins them for a duel.

Steve Vai shows in this video that he is not only an excellent guitar player, but also that he has a good sense of humour, which we kind of knew anyway. But when a rock god like Vai is willing to play the role of the guy who nobody wants to listen to, that’s pretty cool in our books.

Also, is Steve looking more and more like Bono every day? Jury’s still out on that one... And ONE MORE THING, how much product placement is in that video? It's like thumbing through the Guitar Center's catalog. But if it helped front the money to make this awesome video, we'll let it slide!



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